Texasstage.com (TXS) got the call to assist a great corporate client with an on-site meeting and presentation.   Our team handles these events through out the year but no one could have predicted what would happen this past Tuesday.   Unprecedented thunderstorms and wind sheer weather moved across South Texas as fast as 60 miles an hour with gusts in the 90s.  


The clients and crew stopped the event and sought out shelter through the worst of the storm but the weather passed quickly.   Unfortunately, the power was out. 


Well TXS had a solution.  The event went off without a hitch on generator power and when the internet went out we also had one of our festival wifi hotspots on hand to get the meeting back online. 


Tuesday kept throwing us challenges and TXS stepped up to the plate.  “Sometimes confidence and experience are all you need to make the day a success,” Jimmy Davidson – Texas Stage. 


Texasstage.com provided:

100 chairs

Cable ramps

Jbl prx815 powered speakers

Chauvet uplights

Pipe and drape

24×12 stage

Tvs and truss

Shure Professional Wireless